
  • MovieREVIEW: Three noteworthy films

    MovieREVIEW: Three noteworthy films

    February 17, 2006

    When laughing hurts The premise that’s not just in the title but in every frame of Albert Brooks’ “Finding Humor in the Muslim World” is perfectly mediocre and outrageous. It’s a great match. Brooks is an...

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  • MovieREVIEW: Munich a Powerful moral thriller

    MovieREVIEW: Munich a Powerful moral thriller

    February 17, 2006 By Susan Webb

    Steven Spielberg’s “Munich” takes a shocking, emotionally fraught historical event — the 1972 kidnapping and killing of 11 members of the Israeli Olympic team by the shadowy Palestinian “Black September” group in Munich, Germany — as...

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  • Free the Cuban Five

    Free the Cuban Five

    February 17, 2006

    The U.S. government is still holding five Cuban nationals in jail for the “crime” of fighting terrorism. René González, Gerardo Hernández, Ramon Labañino, Fernando González and Antonio Guerrero were convicted of various charges, including “conspiracy to...

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  • Not just a hunting accident

    Not just a hunting accident

    February 17, 2006

    Millions across the nation are shaking their heads over how Dick Cheney handled his shooting of his 78-year-old hunting partner Harry Whittington on Feb. 11. As always, the secretive Cheney went into cover-up mode. He did...

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  • Steelers light a fire for Steel City

    Steelers light a fire for Steel City

    February 17, 2006

    This is Pittsburgh. This is the Super Bowl. There are 250,000 people jammed into the downtown in the middle of a workday in February. As Steeler linebacker number 55 Joey Porter said, “There is nobody working;...

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