
  • Chicano Moratorium Aug. 29: 1970 and 2004

    Chicano Moratorium Aug. 29: 1970 and 2004

    August 27, 2004 By Rosalío Muñoz

    The massive Aug. 29 demonstration in New York against the Bush agenda will be a historic event for our nation.

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  • How to win: a call of conscience

    How to win: a call of conscience

    August 13, 2004

    Twenty years ago, I stood before the Democratic Convention in San Francisco, a candidate for the presidency of the United States, to speak of the hopes and dreams of Americans who, lacking voice in their everyday...

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  • Black Harvest to showcase new films

    Black Harvest to showcase new films

    August 1, 2004 By Curly Cohen

    CHICAGO – Five Chicago-based movies are part of this year’s Black Harvest Film Festival scheduled here Aug. 7-19 at the Gene Siskel Film Center. Of the 18 features and six shorts, all but one will be...

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  • Prescription for a sick health care system

    Prescription for a sick health care system

    August 1, 2004

    Book Review Health Care Meltdown: Confronting the Myths and Fixing Our Failing System By Robert H. LeBow, M.D. Alan C. Hood Co., 2004 Softcover, 304 pp., $15.00 “America is the only developed nation that fails to...

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  • McCarthyism rears its ugly head

    McCarthyism rears its ugly head

    August 1, 2004 By John Gilman

    Back in the 1950s, the House Un-American Activities Committee was running wild. It was blacklisting journalists, militant unionists, authors, playwrights and anyone who opposed the Korean War or signed the Stockholm Peace Pledge to outlaw the...

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