
  • The global attack on pensions

    The global attack on pensions

    August 29, 2003 By Wadi’h Halabi

    People Before Profits Wall Street seeks it. George W. Bush is eyeing it. The managements of Bethlehem Steel and LTV have done it. Those of United and Northwest Airlines are pushing it. Japanese insurers are doing...

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  • New thinking on global warming

    New thinking on global warming

    August 22, 2003

    According to a report issued by a committee of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences in 2002, severe change in the earth’s climate can take place in less than a decade. This runs counter to the...

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  • The Rosenbergs and the Cuban Five

    The Rosenbergs and the Cuban Five

    August 22, 2003 By John Gilman

    Opinion Political frameups of pro-labor, antiracist and antiwar activists are nothing new in U.S. history. The Haymarket martyrs, Tom Mooney, Sacco and Vanzetti, Angelo Herndon, Angela Davis: these are just a few of the most celebrated...

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  • Freedom Ride building solidarity and unity

    Freedom Ride building solidarity and unity

    August 15, 2003

    Opinion As the Immigrant Workers Freedom Ride travels through 81 cities across the country, the impact is sure to reverberate far and wide. Already, organizing rallies are creating new bonds among a broad cross section of...

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  • War theater of the absurd

    War theater of the absurd

    August 7, 2003

    Opinion According to Senator John Warner (R-Va.), the new Pentagon “terrorism futures market” will be “immediately disestablished.” This is a reassuring thought, given the idiocy and ridiculousness of the idea in the first place. The Pentagon...

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