
  • The ties that bind  democracy, the courts and you

    The ties that bind democracy, the courts and you

    July 1, 2003

    Opinion “Roe v. Wade hangs by a thread,” said National Organization for Women (NOW) President Kim Gandy, at a press conference announcing a historic march on Washington for reproductive freedom, April 25, 2004, called by leading...

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  • Bechtel the Evil

    Bechtel the Evil

    June 20, 2003

    Opinion The term “evil corporation” has become somewhat of a cliché over the years. However, in some cases this term is far too kind. The Bechtel Group of San Francisco is a prime example. George Shultz,...

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  • The big lie

    The big lie

    June 20, 2003 By John Gilman

    Opinion More and more each day, the lies and deception spewed from the mouths of George W. Bush, Secretary of State Colin Powell, National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, Vice President Richard...

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  • Health of U.S. children gets failing grade

    Health of U.S. children gets failing grade

    June 20, 2003

    Opinion In the annual “Report Card on Children’s Health” released by the American Health Foundation, the U.S. received a “D” rating for its children’s health, down from a “C” last year. Here we are, not talking...

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  • Reform the Rockefeller Drug Laws

    Reform the Rockefeller Drug Laws

    June 20, 2003

    Opinion May was the 30th anniversary of the New York state legislature’s enactment of the so-called Rockefeller Drug Laws. Proposed by Governor Nelson A. Rockefeller, the “get-tough” laws were supposed to solve the burgeoning drug and...

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