
  • Puerto Rico fights federal death penalty

    Puerto Rico fights federal death penalty

    June 19, 2003

    New Analysis U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft has called on federal prosecutors to be more aggressive in seeking the death penalty, provoking angry denunciations from civil libertarians all over the U.S. and, indeed, the world. In...

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  • Lies, cork, and weapons of mass destruction

    Lies, cork, and weapons of mass destruction

    June 13, 2003

    Opinion Conservative Republicans boast of freedom, which they equate with tax cuts and a government strong on military power and weak on social services. They demand accountability from everyone but themselves. This is not new, but...

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  • Rudy Lozano, 20 years later

    Rudy Lozano, 20 years later

    June 13, 2003 By Emile Schepers

    Rudy Lozano was one of the most important political figures in Chicago at that time. Born in Harlington, Texas, he had grown up in Chicago and contributed much to the city’s progressive politics.

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  • Jim Crow revived in cyberspace

    Jim Crow revived in cyberspace

    June 13, 2003 By Martin Luther King III And Greg Palast

    Opinion Astonishingly, and sadly, four decades after the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. marched in Birmingham, we must ask again, “Do African Americans have the unimpeded right to vote in the United States?”

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  • Nothing like a little good news

    Nothing like a little good news

    June 12, 2003

    Sometimes we need to hear a little good news. So often all we hear and read about is bad news – things that bring you down, make you doubt yourself or your neighbor – heck, things...

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