
  • Its becoming more and more risky for an Iraqi woman to work

    Its becoming more and more risky for an Iraqi woman to work

    January 5, 2008

    Spotlight interview: Hashemiyya Muhsin Hussein, president, Electricity Workers’ Union of Basra. This interview was conducted by Natacha David on Nov. 28, and was featured on the web site of the International Trade Union Confederation, . BRUSSELS,...

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  • Iraq: Is U.S. surging trouble?

    Iraq: Is U.S. surging trouble?

    January 4, 2008 By Susan Webb

    Bloody suicide bombings continued to slaughter dozens of Iraqi civilians in recent weeks, and a new United Nations report says that 2 million Iraqi children suffer from malnutrition, disease and disrupted schooling.

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  • Fidel Castro sends greeting to Cuban parliament

    Fidel Castro sends greeting to Cuban parliament

    January 1, 2008

    ‘There hasn’t been a day in my life in which I haven’t learned something’ The following note and message from Fidel Castro was sent to President of the Cuban National Assembly Ricardo Alarcon on Dec. 27,...

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  • Fear of Cuba

    Fear of Cuba

    December 21, 2007

    During the Vietnam War era, President Richard Nixon worried about his country becoming a “pitiful, helpless giant.” Now, with the world’s only superpower over-reacting to fears, that possibility seems to have resurfaced. Two recent U.S. measures...

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  • Wheres the humanity in immigration enforcement?

    Wheres the humanity in immigration enforcement?

    December 21, 2007 By Pepe Lozano

    When human beings are called “illegal” and “alien” by elected officials and law enforcement agencies and in the media, what kind of message are we spreading?

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