
  • Bali and Beyond: A New Green Economics

    Bali and Beyond: A New Green Economics

    December 5, 2007

    We have read the science. Global warming is real, and we are a prime cause. We have heard the warnings. Unless we act, now, we face serious consequences. Polar ice may melt. Sea levels will rise....

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  • Must-see documentaries showcased in Toronto

    Must-see documentaries showcased in Toronto

    November 22, 2007

    For the first time in its 32-year history, the Toronto International Film Festival screened a film that was simultaneously available for free streaming on the Internet. The 7-minute short film, “Shock Doctrine,” based on Naomi Klein’s...

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  • Communists and workers of the world celebrate the Great October Revolution

    Communists and workers of the world celebrate the Great October Revolution

    November 17, 2007

    MOSCOW – Over 20,000 people marched and rallied here Nov. 7 to celebrate the 90th anniversary of the Great October Revolution. The date marks the victory by the Russian working class and its peasant allies for...

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  • EDITORIAL: 1917

    EDITORIAL: 1917

    November 9, 2007

    John Reed, the great American labor journalist and a founder of the Communist Party USA, was the first to bring this country the news of what had happened in Russia on Nov. 7, 1917. In “Ten...

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  • Bush-Cheney vs. the Armenian genocide

    Bush-Cheney vs. the Armenian genocide

    October 26, 2007 By Norman Markowitz

    During World War I, the Turkish-controlled Ottoman Empire was crumbling. In the decades before the war, economic dislocation and political crisis intensified the long-standing oppression of the Armenian Christian minority. World War I (1914-1918) was a...

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