
  • Responding to disasters

    Responding to disasters

    May 17, 2008

    Cyclone hits Myanmar. Earthquake rocks China. In each case, thousands of lives have been snuffed out by nature’s wrath. Given the combination of global warming and extreme poverty, we’re likely to see more extreme natural and...

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  • The Kurdish question and the fruits of imperialism

    The Kurdish question and the fruits of imperialism

    May 15, 2008 By Norman Markowitz

    An ongoing guerilla war is raging in Southeastern Turkey and Kurdish regions of U.S.-occupied Iraq. The war is led by the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK), which since its inception in Turkey has fought for a socialist...

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  • China launches massive rescue after Sichuan earthquake

    China launches massive rescue after Sichuan earthquake

    May 14, 2008

    The Chinese government’s response to a massive earthquake in Sichuan Province May 12 has been swift, according to a number of news sources. The government said that tremors and aftershocks were felt in 16 provinces, from...

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  • The May Day story we never forget

    The May Day story we never forget

    May 14, 2008

    CHICAGO — It’s a May Day story my mother never lets me forget. Both my parents, avid community activists at the time, were lead organizers of a local march and rally for international workers’ day and...

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  • International Workers Day celebrated in Cuba, Latin America

    International Workers Day celebrated in Cuba, Latin America

    May 14, 2008

    Celebrations of International Workers Day throughout Latin America testified to working class determination, especially in Cuba where millions marched. Honoring workers’ struggles and achievements, many observances centered on specific national challenges. In Caracas, over 300,000 workers...

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