
  • Women propel Venezuelas revolution forward

    Women propel Venezuelas revolution forward

    August 18, 2006 By Elena Mora

    CARACAS, Venezuela — Venezuela: Ahora es de todos! This slogan, appearing on a poster beneath a simple drawing of three children in the colors of the national flag, means “Venezuela: Now it’s for everyone.”

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  • Bush administration targets Cuban churches

    Bush administration targets Cuban churches

    August 15, 2006

    Church leaders the world over have objected to a misleading reference to the Cuban Council of Churches that appeared in the July 10 report from the President Bush’s “Commission for Assistance to a Free Cuba.” The...

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  • The Little Tramp redux

    The Little Tramp redux

    July 28, 2006

    “We have more power because we know more. They’ve given me earplugs for the noise at least.” The speaker of those words is Venezuelan metalworker Miguel Moreno. He had recently attended a showing of Charlie Chaplin’s...

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  • Puerto Rico is a colony, not a commonwealth

    Puerto Rico is a colony, not a commonwealth

    July 28, 2006

    In a recent article in a left periodical about the fiscal crisis in Puerto Rico, the author attributed the woes of the island nation to misdirected economic policies of the “Puerto Rican Commonwealth’s government.” The piece...

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  • Chicagoans march to stop deportations

    Chicagoans march to stop deportations

    July 28, 2006

    CHICAGO — Undaunted by record-breaking midday heat, tens of thousands of people marched for immigrant rights here July 19. Organizers said anywhere from 30,000 to 50,000 people participated. It was Chicago’s third mass immigrant rights action...

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