
  • New charges of torture, banned weapons in Iraq

    New charges of torture, banned weapons in Iraq

    December 2, 2005

    The Bush administration and the Iraqi government are once more on the receiving end of international outrage following the discovery of a torture dungeon linked to the U.S.-backed Iraqi government, and the admission that American soldiers...

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  • GOP opposes ‘illegal immigration.’  An online exchange.

    GOP opposes ‘illegal immigration.’ An online exchange.

    November 24, 2005

    I recently had an opportunity to read your article titled “Virginia gubernatorial race heats up” (by Emile Schepers) printed as an Online Extra in the Oct. 19 edition of the People’s Weekly World newspaper. In the...

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  • EDITORIAL: Puerto Rican independence

    EDITORIAL: Puerto Rican independence

    September 23, 2005

    On Sept. 23 thousands of Puerto Ricans went to the town of Lares to commemorate the 137th anniversary of the revolutionary uprising against Spanish colonialism. These protesters also demanded the end of today’s U.S. colonial domination...

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  • EDITORIAL: Second superpower is back

    EDITORIAL: Second superpower is back

    September 23, 2005

    On Feb. 15, 2003, 11 million people around the world marched and rallied against Bush’s plans to unleash a pre-emptive, unilateral war. This huge outpouring was described as “the second global superpower.” The antiwar movement ebbed...

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  • Bush: Saddam must share blame for Katrina

    Bush: Saddam must share blame for Katrina

    September 23, 2005

    President rips Hussein for distracting federal government Just two days after taking responsibility for failures of the federal government’s response in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, President George W. Bush modified that position somewhat, telling reporters...

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