
  • Iran reinstates 200 election candidates

    Iran reinstates 200 election candidates

    January 23, 2004

    TEHRAN, Iran – Iran’s unelected and ultra-conservative Guardian Council, which earlier this month disqualified thousands of potential candidates in next month’s elections, reversed the disqualifications of 200 candidates on Jan. 20 and promised that more would...

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  • FTAA is bad for your health

    FTAA is bad for your health

    January 16, 2004

    It was exciting, informative and uplifting, despite the heavy police presence. I’m referring to the anti-FTAA (Free Trade Area of the Americas) meet in Miami the week of Nov. 16 – 20, which gave progressive organizations...

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  • International notes

    International notes

    January 16, 2004

    Italy: Transit workers strike over pensions Air traffic controllers held a one day strike Jan. 8, and transit workers followed on Jan. 9, in a sharpening dispute with the government of President Silvio Berlusconi over proposed...

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  • Bias alleged in new security checks

    Bias alleged in new security checks

    January 16, 2004

    The Department of Homeland Security’s latest addition to airport security checks has been greeted by a chorus of disapproval, both from domestic groups and internationally. All 115 U.S. airports that handle international flights, as well as...

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  • International notes

    International notes

    January 9, 2004

    Iraq: ICFTU calls for trade union rights The International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU) is calling for support of the trade union movement now re-emerging in Iraq. At the close of a two-day meeting in...

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