
  • Bush Iraq policy seen as failure

    Bush Iraq policy seen as failure

    August 29, 2003 By Susan Webb

    Following the devastating bombing of the United Nations office in Baghdad, talk is increasingly turning to the failure of the Bush administration’s unilateralist Iraq policies and its “war on terrorism.”

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  • Israeli, Palestinian groups respond to deepening crisis

    Israeli, Palestinian groups respond to deepening crisis

    August 29, 2003

    Gush Shalom, an Israeli peace group, has issued a statement charging the Israeli government is responsible for the new round of violence in Israel and the West Bank and Gaza. The group said, “The renewed cycle...

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  • International Notes

    International Notes

    August 29, 2003

    Cuba: Trade pacts signed with Alabama The State of Alabama signed three trade agreements in Havana last week. On Aug. 21, Ron Sparks, the state’s commissioner for agriculture and industry, and Pedro Alvarez, president of the...

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  • International notes

    International notes

    August 22, 2003

    Swaziland: Protesters demand democracy Swazi demonstrators and their South African supporters wound up four days of protests for democracy and human rights Aug. 15 with a joint rally at the Oshoek border post between the two...

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  • Soldier Sal is safe  so far

    Soldier Sal is safe so far

    August 15, 2003

    Sal, a young Texas soldier in Iraq, writes to let us know that he is OK. Hi Jim, Just a letter to let everyone know I am OK. Nothing bad happened. Before I left on the...

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