
  • International notes

    International notes

    July 11, 2003

    Britain: Foreign office concerned re U.S. military trials British government officials, human rights activists and lawyers for detainees’ families are expressing concern over the situation of two British citizens, detained at Guantanamo as Al Qaeda suspects....

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  • Canadian Communists win key court battle

    Canadian Communists win key court battle

    July 11, 2003

    VANCOUVER, Canada – Communist Party of Canada (CPC) leader Miguel Figueroa can finally breathe a sigh of relief. The Canadian Supreme Court on June 27 struck down parts of the Canada Elections Act, which deny small...

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  • U.S. troops morale plummets in Iraq

    U.S. troops morale plummets in Iraq

    July 11, 2003 By Susan Webb

    President Bush shocked many people last week when he responded to the increasing attacks on American troops in Iraq by saying, “My answer is, bring them on.” A day after his comic-book-style comment, 10 U.S. soldiers...

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  • Over 50,000 demonstrate against EU policies

    Over 50,000 demonstrate against EU policies

    July 4, 2003

    THESSALONIKI, Greece – While governmental ministers were meeting at a European Union (EU) summit in a nearby seaside resort, over 50,000 demonstrators filled the streets of this ancient Greek port city June 21 to protest EU...

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  • In Iraq  Living conditions remain tragic

    In Iraq Living conditions remain tragic

    July 4, 2003

    In a recent edition of Tareeq Al-Shaab, the living conditions of the Iraqi people were described as horrific. “More than ten weeks have passed since the collapse of the dictatorial regime, however, the situation remains at...

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