
  • Iraqi civilian outrage mounts against U.S.

    Iraqi civilian outrage mounts against U.S.

    June 19, 2003

    As U.S. attacks intensified this week against continuing armed resistance in Iraq, reports also grew of civilian outrage at sweeps, house searches and mass detentions conducted by the U.S. troops. U.S. military activity has focused on...

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  • World confronting many epidemics

    World confronting many epidemics

    June 12, 2003 By Phil E. Benjamin

    The recently concluded 56th session of the World Health Organization (WHO) highlighted the many-faceted ongoing world health crisis. The meeting, with 2,000 participants from 192 member states, dramatized the incredible dangers facing children, people living in...

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  • Activists say Bring down the wall

    Activists say Bring down the wall

    June 12, 2003

    TUCSON, Ariz. – Kicking off a campaign to “Bring down the wall” on the border with Mexico, a broad-based coalition of community organizations and individuals held a teach-in here May 31. Organizers of the teach-in, which...

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  • International notes

    International notes

    June 12, 2003

    Cuba-Africa: Over 25,000 Africans educated in Cuba In the last 30 years, over 25,000 African young people have been educated in Cuba and another 3,000 are now studying there, including 1,000 in medical school. In a...

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  • Action needed on bills to end Cuba travel ban

    Action needed on bills to end Cuba travel ban

    June 12, 2003

    While aggression against Cuba reached a new low when Bush administration officials expelled 14 Cuban diplomats on allegations of espionage, very important advances are being made in ending the embargo. Members of Congress recently introduced bills...

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