
  • Bush forced to talk with North Korea

    Bush forced to talk with North Korea

    January 9, 2003

    Retreating under intense pressure from South Korea, China and Japan, the Bush administration announced Jan. 7 that they are willing to hold face-to-face talks with government leaders of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK).

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  • International notes

    International notes

    January 9, 2003 By Evelina Alarcon

    Brazil: Lula puts butter before guns / Lebanon: Unions will protest gov’t tax hikes / Britain: Protests good for health / China: CP head stresses re-employing laid-off workers / Germany: Public worker strike likely

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  • Afghan civilians harmed by U.S. bombs, aid

    Afghan civilians harmed by U.S. bombs, aid

    January 9, 2003

    Human Rights Watch (HRW) released three reports detailing the harm of the U.S. occupation of Afghanistan. “Fatally Flawed: Cluster Bombs and Their Use by the United States in Afghanistan,” exposes civilian casualties caused by cluster bombs....

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  • Tel Aviv attack is a gift for Sharon

    Tel Aviv attack is a gift for Sharon

    January 9, 2003

    TEL AVIV – The double suicide attack that killed at least 23 people, mostly guest workers, and wounded about 100, at a crowded downtown street corner here, has in one stroke diverted public focus from the...

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  • Indian secularism suffers blow in Gujarat elections

    Indian secularism suffers blow in Gujarat elections

    January 7, 2003

    AHMDABAD, Gujarat – “The BJP’s victory is a setback for the cause of secular democracy,” said D. Raja, leader of the Communist Party of India. The Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) won 127 seats, gaining...

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