
  • International notes

    International notes

    October 9, 2003

    Cuba: U.S. charges of bioterrorism a ‘lie’ Cuba’s Foreign Ministry has denounced the resurrection of discredited U.S. claims, originally made last year, that Cuba is developing biological weapons. Such charges constitute a “cynical lie,” the Foreign...

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  • Death on the border: Autumn brings no respite on desert

    Death on the border: Autumn brings no respite on desert

    October 3, 2003 By Carolyn Trowbridge

    Tuesday was the first day of autumn. Even in the sun-baked Southwest, this signals a weather change. The days are still killing hot – daytime temperature on the floor of the desert can still reach 190...

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  • Deceit and dirty tricks on Iraq

    Deceit and dirty tricks on Iraq

    October 3, 2003 By Susan Webb

    Accusations that the White House illegally leaked information to stifle dissent over its Iraq war policy are the latest in a series of charges that the administration used deceit and dirty tricks to sell the Iraq...

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  • International notes

    International notes

    October 2, 2003

    Israel: Pilots refuse to commit war crimes Twenty-seven Israeli F-16 fighter jet pilots of the air force reserve, including nine on active duty, declared on Sept. 25 that, for reasons of conscience, they refuse to carry...

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  • International notes

    International notes

    September 26, 2003

    China: Migrant workers join unions The All-China Federation of Trade Unions on Aug. 9 announced it would recruit as many migrant workers as possible and classify them officially as members of China’s working classes. In the...

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