
  • Cubas revolution: continuous change

    Cubas revolution: continuous change

    July 10, 2009

    In the fairy tale Rumpelstiltskin, the afore-named magical creature spins straw into gold. That image came to mind during a recent visit to Cuba, a country that if not actually turning anything into gold, has certainly...

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  • Engineer makes cooking oil breakthrough

    Engineer makes cooking oil breakthrough

    July 10, 2009

    A new use for old cooking oil could help cut emissions from building roads, engineers have claimed. Engineer Helen Bailey has developed a process for replacing bitumen, which is normally used in road surfaces to 'glue'...

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  • Transport workers in Japan required to take daily smile scans

    Transport workers in Japan required to take daily smile scans

    July 9, 2009

    In an effort to improve “customer relations” a Japanese transportation company is forcing over 500 employees to take a daily smile test measuring the degree and brightness of worker smiles. According to the Mainichi Daily News,...

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  • ‘Slumdog’ child star moves into new Mumbai flat

    ‘Slumdog’ child star moves into new Mumbai flat

    July 9, 2009

    (Xinhuanet) -- The 'Slumdog Millionaire' child star Azharuddin Mohammed Ismail and his mother moved from slum shanty into their new apartment in Mumbai, according to media reports Wednesday. 'I was shocked when I saw this house,'...

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  • Former ruling party gains in Mexico elections

    Former ruling party gains in Mexico elections

    July 9, 2009

    In Sunday’s congressional and gubernatorial elections in Mexico, the big winner was the formerly ruling Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), which with its ally, the Green Party (PVEM) (a rather conservative party not in good standing with...

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