
  • Union claims to thwart Walmarts stealth lay-off plans

    Union claims to thwart Walmarts stealth lay-off plans

    April 24, 2009

    Trade union officials claim to have thwarted plans by retail giant Walmart to reassign or lay-off over a thousand middle managers at its more than 120 supercenters and other outlets in China, Xinhua reported on 21...

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  • Workers in France rage over closure

    Workers in France rage over closure

    April 23, 2009

    Original source: Bosses shut a car parts factory in northern France on Wednesday after employees, outraged over mass job losses, ransacked offices and destroyed equipment. On Tuesday, a French court rejected a motion brought by employees...

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  • Stop the bias at Israel Railways

    Stop the bias at Israel Railways

    April 23, 2009

    (Reposted from Haaretz) The discussion about the dismissal of some 40 Israel Railways employees, held on Sunday in the regional labor court, shed some more light on an affair motivated by clear and overt discrimination for...

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  • A different kind of summit

    A different kind of summit

    April 22, 2009

    As the 5th Summit of the Americas met in Trinidad and Tobago under the auspices of the Organization of American States, Latin American leaders ran the show and the prime hemispheric power, represented by President Barack...

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  • Ruling party embarrassed as voters join in boycott of Haiti election

    Ruling party embarrassed as voters join in boycott of Haiti election

    April 22, 2009

    Original source: Results of Haiti's senate elections will probably not be known for over a week, despite a low turnout. Voting for 11 empty seats in the 30-member senate took place across the impoverished country on...

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