
  • Trickle down misery

    Trickle down misery

    March 6, 2009

    WASHINGTON, Mar 4 (IPS) - The world's poorest people had nothing to do with the financial gimmickry that has brought the global economy to its knees but they are paying a heavy price for it and...

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  • Blackjack for kindergarteners?

    Blackjack for kindergarteners?

    March 5, 2009

    Impulsive kids are more prone to start gambling in their kindergarten than less impulsive children, Canadian researchers said.

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  • Puerto Rican unions against layoffs

    Puerto Rican unions against layoffs

    March 5, 2009

    San Juan, Mar 4 (Prensa Latina) Puerto Rican Governor Luis G. Fortuño's decision to fire 30,000 public employee will create social unrest, union leader Jose Rodriguez warned on Wednesday. Puerto Rican Workers' Federation (FTPR) said the...

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  • German police crack down on neonazi movement

    German police crack down on neonazi movement

    March 5, 2009

    Original source: German police kicked off a nationwide crackdown on the country's neonazi movement on Wednesday. The Federal Crime Office (BKA) said that police had raided more than 200 homes and businesses of people suspected of...

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  • Shrazade: Symbol of womens struggle

    Shrazade: Symbol of womens struggle

    March 5, 2009

    Translated by Helen Robertshaw (lHumainte) The young woman, victim of a jilted suitor who attempted to burn her alive in 2005, hopes that her trial will draw attention to violence against women. In front of Seine-Saint-Denis...

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