
  • Give diplomacy a chance in Afghanistan

    Give diplomacy a chance in Afghanistan

    January 30, 2009

    In its opening days, the Obama administration has set the stage for both diplomatic and military moves in Afghanistan and South Asia. Peace movement leaders here urge emphasis on diplomacy and economic aid, and warn that...

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  • French workers protest against cutbacks

    French workers protest against cutbacks

    January 30, 2009 By Morning Star

    MILLIONS of French workers are set to take to the streets on Thursday to warn the right-wing government that they will not bear the brunt of the slump.

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  • UN calls for food aid from rich countries

    UN calls for food aid from rich countries

    January 29, 2009 By Morning Star

    THE UN urged rich countries on Monday to stump up the aid that they pledged at a food crisis summit last year after riots had erupted in underdeveloped countries over soaring prices.

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  • UN greets Obamas actions on family planning

    UN greets Obamas actions on family planning

    January 28, 2009

    New policy helps promote equality for women, girls UNITED NATIONS—After eight years of antagonistic relations between the world community and the far-right, ideologically driven family planning policies of the Bush administration, the U.S. is moving back...

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  • Humanitarian aid to Gaza is critical, Kucinich urges

    Humanitarian aid to Gaza is critical, Kucinich urges

    January 27, 2009

    With the withdrawal of Israeli forces, the challenge now is to provide humanitarian relief to Gaza as the first step towards resolution of the conflict, Congressman Dennis Kucinich told a large meeting Sunday at ACCESS, the...

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