
  • Celebrating Mexican independence

    Celebrating Mexican independence

    September 13, 2008

    The biggest national holiday in Mexico, and celebrated by Mexican people living all over the world, is Mexican Independence Day, Sept. 16. A little history: Before Mexico became Mexico, indigenous people first cultivated and inhabited the...

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  • NATO, an idea whose time has gone

    NATO, an idea whose time has gone

    September 13, 2008

    When NATO (the North Atlantic Treaty Organization) was founded after World War II, its first secretary general, British general Lord Ismay, succinctly stated its real, original purpose: β€œTo keep the Russians out, the Americans in, and...

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  • World notes: Sept. 13, 2008

    World notes: Sept. 13, 2008

    September 13, 2008

    Cuba: No one died with Gustav The most destructive hurricane in 50 years hit western Cuba on Aug. 30 with gusts up to 212 mph, the strongest ever recorded during any hurricane anywhere, according to head...

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  • Cuba devastated by Ike, but Cubans show grit

    Cuba devastated by Ike, but Cubans show grit

    September 11, 2008

    HAVANA – (Sept. 10) Cuba has been, and continues to be, devastated by Hurricane Ike. The only thing, and without question the most important thing, that hasn't been devastated is the will and determination of the...

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  • U.S. communists urge solidarity with people of Caribbean

    U.S. communists urge solidarity with people of Caribbean

    September 10, 2008

    The Communist Party USA notes with alarm the heavy loss of life and massive property and economic damage inflicted by three powerful hurricanes in succession – Gustav, Hanna and now Ike – on all the nations...

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