• Calif. labor backs public option health care bill

    Calif. labor backs public option health care bill

    July 16, 2009

    The California Labor Federation, the largest state labor federation in the country, gave its unconditional support to the bill now before the House of Representatives extending affordable quality health care to the uninsured, including a strong...

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  • REVIEW Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

    REVIEW Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

    July 16, 2009

    The magic of J. K. Rowling’s Harry Potter series isn’t so much the actual use of magic—wizards and witches, spells and potions. Instead, what sets her series apart from other, lesser works of fantasy are the...

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  • EDITORIAL Jobs needed now

    EDITORIAL Jobs needed now

    July 16, 2009

    President Obama flew to Warren, Mich., July 14, to unveil his plan to pump billions of federal dollars into the nation’s community colleges so they can prepare youth for the “jobs of the future.” His initiative...

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  • EDITORIAL Climate change: Taking responsibility, aiding the vulnerable

    EDITORIAL Climate change: Taking responsibility, aiding the vulnerable

    July 16, 2009

    As negotiations continue on worldwide goals and timetables to cut emissions of greenhouse gases, it is increasingly clear that industrially developed countries must take responsibility for the great bulk of the pollution that has caused global...

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  • Will the Communists nationalize Juniors junkyard?

    Will the Communists nationalize Juniors junkyard?

    July 15, 2009

    Today is Saturday, so I crank up my old pickup truck and head down the old dirt road to see my good friend Junior. I love this old truck and every rattle that goes with it....

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