• Americas Future meet: Calls for new economic model for green jobs

    Americas Future meet: Calls for new economic model for green jobs

    June 4, 2009

    WASHINGTON — 'Now is the time for bold investments in sustainability. Now is the time for a fundamental shift in how we think about our economy, the workers in it and our new energy future,' Kate...

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  • NBC’s risky Conan O’Brien-Leno move

    NBC’s risky Conan O’Brien-Leno move

    June 2, 2009

    When you come home every night during the week after a long day at work, after you prepare and eat dinner then eventually put the children to bed, what do you watch on television before and...

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  • WORLD NOTES Argentina, Egypt, China, Georgia, Afghanistan, Cuba

    WORLD NOTES Argentina, Egypt, China, Georgia, Afghanistan, Cuba

    June 2, 2009

    Argentina: Worker-run plants continue As the country slipped into financial crisis in 2001, owners of the Zanon Ceramics factory in Neuquén Province fired all employees, holding back on pay and pensions. Workers there and in 200...

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  • Steelworkers walk out in France

    Steelworkers walk out in France

    May 30, 2009

    Steelworkers from the Fos-sur-Mer Arcelor Mittal plant demonstrate in Marseille, southern France, May 26. This was the fourth strike in recent months by French workers angry with the Sarkozy government’s handling of the economic crisis and...

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  • Celebrating their fifth

    Celebrating their fifth

    May 30, 2009

    Gay couples who brought the landmark lawsuit that led to the first legalized gay marriages in the United States at reunion in Newton Mass, May, 17, celebrate their fifth anniversaries, five years after Massachusetts became the...

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