• Letters: equal rights, violence inheritance, drug busts in Venezuela

    Letters: equal rights, violence inheritance, drug busts in Venezuela

    May 15, 2009

    Equal rights Pope Benedict XVI has called for greater respect for women. If he really wanted women to be treated better, then he would allow women to become priests, cardinals and popes. He should support the...

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  • World Notes: Puerto Rico, Colombia, Gaza, Italy, Kenya, Nepal

    World Notes: Puerto Rico, Colombia, Gaza, Italy, Kenya, Nepal

    May 15, 2009

    Puerto Rico: Workers nix layoffs, privatization On International Workers Day, May 1, public sector unions organized under the Broad Front of Solidarity and Struggle launched demonstrations in San Juan. The police put the crowd at 30,000....

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  • The year we came to our senses

    The year we came to our senses

    May 14, 2009

    For a while it seemed like Americans might not be ready to face the future — a future that demands that this nation’s promise of equality be made real for all of our people. State after...

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  • Confronting Big Oil

    Confronting Big Oil

    May 14, 2009

    President Obama is taking on the oil and gas industry. He intends to save taxpayers $30 billion over the next 10 years by ending tax loopholes Big Oil has been enjoying on our dime. Former President...

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  • Recession hits Social Security and Medicare

    Recession hits Social Security and Medicare

    May 14, 2009

    The recession has taken a big bite out of Medicare and Social Security, according to the latest reports from the trustees of both of those programs released this week. In both cases, rising unemployment, now at...

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