• Home child care providers are paid so little, theyre losing homes, cars

    Home child care providers are paid so little, theyre losing homes, cars

    April 25, 2009

    LANSING, Mich. — They are 40,000 strong and they feed, clean, and teach Michigan’s young, in their most formative pre-school years. And for doing such an important job, what do they earn? “In Wayne County, we...

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  • May Day, a great time to discuss labor unity

    May Day, a great time to discuss labor unity

    April 24, 2009

    May Day is a great time to think about labor unity. It is not a static thing. Labor does not “arrive” at a final place called “unity.” Labor unity, like the broader fight for working class...

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    April 24, 2009

    School has no heat! I opened the Denver Post to see a shivering child’s picture on the front page. She was from a small K-12 school in Silverton, Colo., where winter temperatures often drop below zero....

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  • May Day — Born in the USA

    May Day — Born in the USA

    April 24, 2009

    Many of us never learned in school that May Day, the most widely celebrated holiday in the world, was born here in the USA. On May 1, 1886 Americans across this great land left their jobs...

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  • WORLDNOTES – Venezuela, Greece, Japan, Iraq and Cuba

    WORLDNOTES – Venezuela, Greece, Japan, Iraq and Cuba

    April 24, 2009

    Venezuela: ALBA poses alternatives The 7th Summit of the Bolivarian Alternative of the Peoples of Our America (ALBA) met April 15-17 in Venezuela. Member nations Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Bolivia, Dominica and Honduras fashioned a declaration aimed...

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