• Chasm between words and deeds

    Chasm between words and deeds

    February 20, 2009 By John Case

    When I heard Republican Sen. Lindsay Graham of South Carolina call for bank nationalization, and Sen. Chuck Schumer say “well .... let’s hold on a little longer,” I considered re-reading Alice in Wonderland. Schumer’s reluctance merely...

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  • WORLDNOTES  February 28, 2009

    WORLDNOTES February 28, 2009

    February 20, 2009

    Zimbabwe: Unity government formed Morgan Tsvangirai, leader of the Movement for Democratic Change, was sworn in as prime minister on Feb. 11 by President Robert Mugabe. Mugabe was acting in response to pressure brought last month...

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  • A victory for Obama and the people

    A victory for Obama and the people

    February 20, 2009

    WASHINGTON β€” When President Barack Obama signed the $787 billion economic recovery bill to create millions of new jobs and extend safety-net programs for millions of unemployed workers and the poor, it was a stunning victory...

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  • Iraq vet faces new battle  worker rights at home

    Iraq vet faces new battle worker rights at home

    February 20, 2009

    CHICAGO β€” β€œThe irony of it all – Bush got on TV and said we were in Iraq because we had to get rid of weapons of mass destruction, stop terrorism and spread democracy over there....

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  • Eddie Carthan and the struggle for Black empowerment in the Deep South

    Eddie Carthan and the struggle for Black empowerment in the Deep South

    February 20, 2009 By John Wojcik

    People's World has given coverage to the movement for Black representation and the fight to elect African Americans to public office ever since its inception as the Daily Worker in 1924. This article is a reprint...

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