


    April 24, 2009

    School has no heat! I opened the Denver Post to see a shivering child’s picture on the front page. She was from a small K-12 school in Silverton, Colo., where winter temperatures often drop below zero....

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  • May Day — Born in the USA

    May Day — Born in the USA

    April 24, 2009

    Many of us never learned in school that May Day, the most widely celebrated holiday in the world, was born here in the USA. On May 1, 1886 Americans across this great land left their jobs...

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  • India’s polls and South Asian peace

    India’s polls and South Asian peace

    April 17, 2009

    Original source: 'Just as the winds of change have swept across the United States, I have no doubt that India too will witness change when the next parliamentary elections take place in a few months.' Thus...

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  • Immigration reform  welcome news

    Immigration reform welcome news

    April 17, 2009

    We welcome the news that both of the nation’s major labor federations have agreed to join forces to support an overhaul of the immigration system. They are backing the Obama administration’s call for a path to...

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  • Letters: Nukes, Berenson, Travel to Cuba, free speech, J.H. Franklin

    Letters: Nukes, Berenson, Travel to Cuba, free speech, J.H. Franklin

    April 17, 2009

    Nuclear sense Finally! A president who lives in the real world. By extending the hand of friendship and mutual respect and sweeping away the Cold War tactics of arrogance, confrontation and peace through strength, Barak Obama...

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