
  • LETTERS January 31, 2009

    LETTERS January 31, 2009

    January 24, 2009

    Quotes of the week Hallelujah! In his inaugural speech (albeit without attribution) President Obama quoted from Thomas Paine’s American Crisis No. 1. “Let it be told to the future world ... that in the depth of...

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  • OPINION: Obama can end the Israel/Palestinian conflict

    OPINION: Obama can end the Israel/Palestinian conflict

    January 19, 2009

    (Reposted from If I could say two things to President-elect Barack Obama today, I would first express my gratitude for making me proud to be an American again. His campaign and election did that. And,...

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  • End corruption  take corporate money out of politics

    End corruption take corporate money out of politics

    January 17, 2009

    The brazen corruption of Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich is deplorable. But some would ask: what’s the big deal? Corruption is rampant in U.S. politics and is “as American as apple pie.” The larger issue, then, is...

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  • Believing in government again

    Believing in government again

    January 17, 2009

    All through congressional hearings around the auto loan last month, not one public official or news reporter ever asked General Motors and Ford CEOs the most important question of all: “So how come you guys are...

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  • Letters – January 24, 2009

    Letters – January 24, 2009

    January 17, 2009

    Solidarity biscotti Thank you for your article “Forget Stella D’Oro cookies! Support striking workers,” by Terrie Albano (PWW 12/20-1/16). I have been a fan of Stella D’Oro for many years. I too will make my own...

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