
  • LETTERS: July 12

    LETTERS: July 12

    July 11, 2008

    Angry, broke, in pain I just spent a very hot, humid day being driven to a medical appointment that has left me angry, frustrated, broke and in a lot of pain. Others may recognize these feelings...

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  • Beyond the landslide

    Beyond the landslide

    July 11, 2008

    The candidacy of Barack Obama for president of the United States is a long stride forward toward throwing off the last vestiges of the slaveocracy. The power and strength of the rank and file upsurge is...

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  • Questions about the India-U.S. nuclear deal

    Questions about the India-U.S. nuclear deal

    July 11, 2008 By Teresa Albano

    The drama is rising over a proposed U.S.-India nuclear pact. India’s left-wing parties, which hold 60 seats in Parliament, are united in opposition to the deal and have managed to thwart it for months. But they...

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  • Letters: July 5

    Letters: July 5

    July 4, 2008

    Gentrification I just read Pepe Lozano’s article “Chicago gentrification is a global issue” ( 11/14/2006). I’m a college student, and I recently moved into the Pilsen neighborhood. Prior to moving into the neighborhood, I was becoming...

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  • Struggles and fireworks

    Struggles and fireworks

    July 4, 2008

    It’s that time of year when Americans of all cultures and creeds take the day off (if they can) to barbecue, watch fireworks and maybe drink a few beers or soft drinks. It’s the Fourth of...

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