
  • Labor summit launches drive to fulfill voter mandate

    Labor summit launches drive to fulfill voter mandate

    December 1, 2006

    News Analysis Folks were still eating turkey sandwiches when the AFL-CIO issued its call for a Dec. 8-9 labor summit and march in Washington, D.C., to pass the Employee Free Choice Act, a top legislative priority...

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  • Beyond South Dakota

    Beyond South Dakota

    November 17, 2006

    With all the attention on Ohio, Virginia, Montana and a few other states, it would be easy to miss something very significant that happened in South Dakota on election night: a victory that just might point...

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  • They heard

    They heard

    November 17, 2006 By John Sweeney

    Do you think they heard us this time? Although the Bush administration and its congressional allies have done a very good job of ignoring working families for six years, I think they must have heard us...

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  • Carrying the victory forward

    Carrying the victory forward

    November 17, 2006

    Voters made history Nov. 7. Exhausted and angered from a record number of deaths in Iraq, an economic recovery benefiting millionaires but not workers, and unchecked corruption, the voter upsurge rejected the Bush administration and its...

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  • Pace of change in Bolivia picks up

    Pace of change in Bolivia picks up

    November 17, 2006

    News Analysis The Bolivian government of President Evo Morales has dealt with recent challenges handily. As a result, popular support for his policies is growing, and the prospects for further advances in a progressive and revolutionary...

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