
  • Why we act

    Why we act

    March 10, 2006

    There are few roles in our constitutional government that are more frustrating than being a member of the minority party during a period of one party control of the government. However, at a time when the...

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  • EDITORIAL: Republican hypocrisy

    EDITORIAL: Republican hypocrisy

    March 10, 2006

    Republican senators bowed to the White House March 7, dropping their opposition to warrantless wiretapping by the National Security Agency in exchange for a fig-leaf concession by President Bush. The deal, concocted by Vice President Dick...

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  • Reflections on New Mexicos minimum wage fight

    Reflections on New Mexicos minimum wage fight

    March 10, 2006

    Commentary New Mexico has just gone through two major campaigns to enact a higher minimum wage law. One was a ballot referendum in Albuquerque in November 2005. The other was to pass a bill in the...

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  • Immigrant rights: Put mass pressure on Congress now!

    Immigrant rights: Put mass pressure on Congress now!

    March 10, 2006

    NewsAnalysis This month must see greatly increased pressure from the progressive grassroots, or very nasty anti-immigrant legislation will likely be enacted. The chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Arlen Specter (R-Pa.), has presented a draft plan...

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  • Electoral coup in Palestine

    Electoral coup in Palestine

    March 4, 2006

    There is no doubt that the recent legislative council elections in Palestine were an electoral coup. Due to the nature of this coup and because of the current conditions at the regional and international level, it...

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