
  • Letters


    February 10, 2006

    Threats to democracy The following letter was submitted to the Arizona Daily Star and the People’s Weekly World. Michael Greco, president of the American Bar Association, was spot on to express his concern about the systemic...

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  • EDITORIAL: No human being is illegal

    EDITORIAL: No human being is illegal

    February 10, 2006

    The Bush administration and its snarling band of crooks, liars and thieves have fouled the political landscape with their campaign for anti-immigrant legislation. It’s part of the plan to stay in power. They need a scapegoat...

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  • State of the Union  More unhealthy proposals

    State of the Union More unhealthy proposals

    February 10, 2006

    I thought I would hit the roof when the president talked about the Ryan White CARE Act and how he would give money to faith-based organizations to do testing for HIV. Do you think the results...

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  • HSAs  Disaster for working families

    HSAs Disaster for working families

    February 10, 2006

    In his State of the Union address President Bush announced the centerpiece of his efforts to reform health care would be tax breaks for people to pay for their own health care, including Health Savings Accounts...

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  • California takes up health care, election financing, drivers licenses

    California takes up health care, election financing, drivers licenses

    February 10, 2006

    As its 2006 session gets into full swing, the California Legislature is considering measures dealing with health care, publicly funded elections, and driver’s licenses for all. Senate Bill 840, the California Health Insurance Reliability Act introduced...

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