The raid on civil rights at Goose Creek
January 9, 2004Opinion Suppose the police in one community staged, with guns drawn, a drug raid at a high school and rounded up more than one hundred students to search and arrest – but found no drugs. Suppose...
Read moreEnola Gay: the Smithsonian edits history
January 9, 2004Opinion The Enola Gay, the plane that dropped the first atomic bomb on Hiroshima on Aug. 6, 1945 – a marvel of technology? A worthy subject for a historical exhibit, rather like Disneyland’s Robot Lincoln? The...
Read moreA fairy tale
January 9, 2004Opinion All right, children, sit still while I tell you a fairy tale, one with heroic heroes, evil villains, and an unbelievably happy ending. Our tale starts with a king (after all, he was anointed and...
Read moreCapitalism and human misery a 2003 report card
January 9, 2004Opinion We are living in an era of highly developed means of production, high-speed communication technology and sophisticated transportation systems. Thanks to the accelerating progress in science and technology and in spite of the hindering effects...
Read moreBreakthrough and peril for the Green Party
December 19, 2003Opinion Up against the campaign of a wealthy businessman who outspent him nearly 10-to-1, a strong progressive candidate nearly won the [Dec. 9] runoff election to become San Francisco’s mayor. Some national news stories depicted the...
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