
  • First, do no harm

    First, do no harm

    September 19, 2003

    Opinion What if they gave a war and no one came? What if they (the same they, it seems) gave an execution and no doctor showed up? Maybe they would have to call off both. Hippocrates...

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  • Triumph of the media mill

    Triumph of the media mill

    September 19, 2003

    Opinion Without a hint of intended irony, the “NewsHour” on PBS concluded its Sept. 9 program with a warm interview of Henry Kissinger and then a segment about a renowned propagandist for the Nazi war machine....

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  • Vouchers and the hidden agenda

    Vouchers and the hidden agenda

    September 19, 2003

    Opinion Republican leaders in Congress are once again trying to foist a voucher experiment on the District of Columbia, despite opposition from D.C. delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton, school superintendent Paul Vance, a majority of city council...

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  • Guns vs. butter

    Guns vs. butter

    September 19, 2003 By Susan Webb

    Opinion President Bush’s announcement that he wants another $87 billion for Iraq and Afghanistan ignited a storm that is expected to rage in Congress for months. It signals the intersection of the war and the economy...

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  • Sept. 11  two years later

    Sept. 11 two years later

    September 19, 2003 By Dan Margolis And Judith Le Blanc

    News Analysis The second anniversary of Sept. 11 was marked in New York City with painful and conflicting images and messages. The common thread was a sense of uncertainty about the future both in human terms...

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