artificial intelligence
‘Patria’: comunicar para la resistencia y el triunfo
March 18, 2025Díaz-Canel asistió a la inauguración del IV Coloquio Internacional Patria, sobre comunicación política.
Read moreEarly victory on the AI front: AFL-CIO signs pact with Microsoft
December 18, 2023Polls show workers leery of AI eliminating jobs but welcome its potential to make work easier or less monotonous.
Read moreUna reunión de sindicatos mundiales declara: la autocracia y la IA amenazan a los trabajadores
August 29, 2023Las amenazas a los trabajadores y sus sindicatos se abordarán esta semana en una reunión internacional de líderes sindicales en Filadelfia.
Read moreWorld unions gathered in Philly declare: Autocracy and A.I. threaten workers
August 29, 2023They cite artificial intelligence and the U.S., Hong Kong, Myanmar, Ukraine, Philippines, and the U.K. as top violators of worker and union rights.
Read moreU.S. artificial intelligence strategy: Tech monopoly with a dash of job creation rhetoric
June 4, 2019The U.S.’s AI strategy is capitalist militancy, largess for the ruling class,with a dash of rhetoric about job creation.
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