civil liberties
Today in labor history: Paul Robeson born
April 9, 2013On April 8, 1898 singer, actor, civil rights and labor leader, peace activist and athlete Paul Robeson was born.
Read more40 years after, Watergate crimes remain relevant
March 15, 2013Common Cause gathered almost everyone it could find from the Watergate era for a 2-day retrospective reviewing the constitutional crimes, known as "Watergate," that brought down Richard Nixon.
Read moreMurders of journalists on the rise worldwide
March 14, 2013Worldwide intimidation of journalists, including murders, is rising, a panel of experts warns. And the U.S., despite its free press traditions and constitutional protections, rarely protests, the panel adds.
Read moreFederal IDs for all workers: A trial balloon?
February 28, 2013The Senate is considering a bipartisan plan to require all working people in the U.S. to carry a biometric ID card with their finger prints or other markers.
Read moreThe end of Internet freedom: Coming soon to a computer near you
December 4, 2012The International Telecommunications Union is convening a conference that would give the group (a part of the United Nations) crippling new powers over the Internet.
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