Daily Online

  • South Carolinians point to Sanfords real misdeeds

    South Carolinians point to Sanfords real misdeeds

    June 26, 2009

    South Carolina AFL-CIO President Donna DeWitt quickly brushed aside questions about Gov. Mark Sanford’s tearful admission June 24 that he flew secretly to Argentina for a weeklong tryst. Instead she pointed to other, bigger misdeeds. The...

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  • Venezuela and US to restore diplomats

    Venezuela and US to restore diplomats

    June 26, 2009

    Original source: Venezuela and the United States have agreed to restore their ambassadors more than nine months after President Hugo Chavez expelled the US envoy from Caracas. Mr Chavez signalled that he still had major differences...

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  • No peace, no silence in Colombia

    No peace, no silence in Colombia

    June 26, 2009

    New documentation is available on the precariousness of life and pall of terror weighing upon Colombia. Why has deadly conflict persisted for decades? Why have rich nations turned a blind eye, or lent a hand? Britain’s...

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  • Colombian paramilitaries serve Chavez opposition

    Colombian paramilitaries serve Chavez opposition

    June 26, 2009

    Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez asserted June 21 that the governments of Táchira and Zulia, states bordering on Colombia, now rely upon Colombian paramilitaries to promote destabilization. Both governments are in the hands of Chávez political opponents...

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  • Industry insider: For-profit insurers have hijacked our health care system

    Industry insider: For-profit insurers have hijacked our health care system

    June 26, 2009

    Original source: Wendell Potter, a former health insurance company executive, testified before the Senate Commerce Committee on Wednesday. I'm the former insurance industry insider now speaking out about how big for-profit insurers have hijacked our health...

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