Daily Online

  • Retirees set to tell lawmakers: Health care reform now

    Retirees set to tell lawmakers: Health care reform now

    June 17, 2009

    Original source: For three hours before the formal opening of their annual legislative conference yesterday, members of the Alliance for Retired Americans got down to business by taking part in workshops on health care reform and...

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  • Turmoil in Iran widens

    Turmoil in Iran widens

    June 17, 2009

    Original source: TEHRAN (Tehranbureau.com), June 15 — Dusk on Monday witnessed the most shocking scenes so far from the aftermath to Iran’s disputed election. Events have have now escalated to a level of intensity unprecedented since...

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  • Holocaust Museum, Kansas doctor: When hate and politics turn deadly

    Holocaust Museum, Kansas doctor: When hate and politics turn deadly

    June 16, 2009

    WASHINGTON — Labor and human rights groups as well as political commentators have reacted with alarm to the May 31 murder of Dr. George Tiller, the Wichita doctor who performed abortions, and, 12 days later, the...

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  • Men 40% more likely to die from cancer than women

    Men 40% more likely to die from cancer than women

    June 16, 2009

    (Xinhuanet) -- Men are almost 40 percent more likely than women to die from cancer, according to a new research report published Monday. Men are also about 70 percent more likely to be killed by cancers...

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  • New religion commission begins work

    New religion commission begins work

    June 16, 2009

    CHICAGO — The Communist Party USA has established a new Religion Commission to strengthen its work among religious people and organizations. In its leadership are activists representing various religious traditions from around the country. Tim Yeager,...

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