Daily Online

  • Calling abortion murder invites violence

    Calling abortion murder invites violence

    June 9, 2009

    Original source: (WOMENSENEWS)--In the past few days I've been reading articles about why the anti-abortion movement shouldn't be blamed for the murder of Dr. George Tiller. The Los Angeles Times ran an editorial on Tuesday under...

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  • Turkey: Dozens of trade unionists arrested on terrorism charges

    Turkey: Dozens of trade unionists arrested on terrorism charges

    June 9, 2009

    Brussels, 2 June 2009: The ITUC and Education International (EI) strongly protest against the intervention by the Turkish police against the Confederation of Public Employees’ Unions (KESK) and the teachers’ union Egitim Sem, which is in...

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  • Unions embrace street corner solidarity

    Unions embrace street corner solidarity

    June 9, 2009

    SEATTLE, Washington, Jun 8 (IPS) - For Pablo Alvarado, the genesis occurred back in 1999 when janitors in Los Angeles were on strike. Some of the cleaning companies came to the corners and workers' centres where...

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  • Biden refuses to cross fire fighters picket line

    Biden refuses to cross fire fighters picket line

    June 9, 2009

    Original source: What’s the difference between a president who supports working families and their unions and one beholden to corporate and anti-worker interests? As President Obama has shown, there’s a lot, but last Friday the Obama...

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  • An architects new challenge

    An architects new challenge

    June 9, 2009

    An architect’s new challenge By Javier Cambron Javier Cambron, 22, will begin his third year at the Southern California Institute of Architecture this fall. He included this article as his “manifesto,” although not required, in his...

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