Daily Online



    May 8, 2009

    Cuba’s response to flu Sorry I don’t have much time to write. The Cubans are doing a public health campaign. They have signs up all over our dorms with info about the swine flu situation and...

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  • WORLDNOTES – Germany, Ethiopia, Australia, Ecuador, United Arab Emirates, Cuba

    WORLDNOTES – Germany, Ethiopia, Australia, Ecuador, United Arab Emirates, Cuba

    May 8, 2009

    Germany: Nuclear withdrawal a campaign issue In the Bundestag April 24, Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier called for “a new beginning on nuclear disarmament.” Three opposition parties, the Greens, Liberal Free Democrats and the Left Party, moved...

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    May 8, 2009

    Germany: Nuclear withdrawal a campaign issue In the Bundestag April 24, Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier called for “a new beginning on nuclear disarmament.” Three opposition parties, the Greens, Liberal Free Democrats and the Left Party, moved...

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  • The battle continues over unemployment funds

    The battle continues over unemployment funds

    May 8, 2009

    Original source: Facing South has been covering the ongoing saga of Southern Republican governors vs. the federal stimulus. A handful of GOP rising star governors - including those in Texas, Louisiana, South Carolina and Alabama -...

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  • Walmarts optimization plan highlights dirty tricks used by companies to lay-off employees

    Walmarts optimization plan highlights dirty tricks used by companies to lay-off employees

    May 8, 2009

    Walmart’s plan to cull an entire layer of management from about 150 stores nationwide may have stalled temporarily but many employees fear the company will simply find another way of removing unwanted staff. In media interviews...

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