Daily Online

  • Cuba: The unalienable decision to build socialism

    Cuba: The unalienable decision to build socialism

    May 2, 2009

    Text of the speech given by Salvador Valdés Mesa, CTC general secretary at the central event for May Day in the Plaza de la Revolución Comrades from the Party, state, and government leadership, Distinguished guests, Workers;...

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  • Eleven talking points on 21st century socialism

    Eleven talking points on 21st century socialism

    May 2, 2009

    The current discussion around socialism in left and progressive circles in the U.S. needs to be placed in a more substantive arena. This is an effort to do so. I take note in advance of the...

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  • Obama, reform and the role of the left

    Obama, reform and the role of the left

    May 2, 2009 By Sam Webb

    After the first, perhaps over analyzed, hundred days of the Obama administration, it is fair to say that President Obama is a reformer and we are entering an era of reforms, possibly radical reforms.

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  • The day for the poor of the world

    The day for the poor of the world

    May 2, 2009

    Original source: Cuba.cu May 1 is International Workers' Day. Karl Marx called to unity: 'Workers of the world unite', although many of the poor were not workers. Lenin, who was even more far-reaching, made a call...

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  • Health care workers at risk as swine flu spreads

    Health care workers at risk as swine flu spreads

    May 2, 2009

    Original source: AFL-CIO Now Blog Yesterday, the World Health Organization (WHO) raised the threat of widespread human infection from the outbreak of swine flu to its second-highest level. The outbreak of swine flu originated in Mexico...

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