Daily Online

  • Native Americans celebrate history, struggle in northwest

    Native Americans celebrate history, struggle in northwest

    August 9, 2009 By Tim Wheeler

    'Paddle to Suquamish” Aug. 1-11 was a dramatic sign that the Indian tribes of the Pacific Northwest are in the midst of a cultural reawakening. Participation continues to grow 20 years after “Paddle to Seattle,” the...

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  • Workers tell AT&T: Dont Wal-Mart us

    Workers tell AT&T: Dont Wal-Mart us

    August 9, 2009

    ST. LOUIS — 'AT&T is leading the race to the bottom,' Communications Workers of America Local 6300 President Kevin Kujawa said as some 150 CWA members picketed the AT&T tower here Aug. 6. 'In this economy,...

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  • Legislative leader to sue Calif. governor over cuts

    Legislative leader to sue Calif. governor over cuts

    August 9, 2009

    California Senate President Pro Tem Darrell Steinberg, D-Sacramento, announced Aug. 7 that he will sue Republican Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger over nearly $500 million in line-item cuts the governor made last week in signing a budget revision...

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  • Don’t let right-wing astroturfers scare Americans into silence

    Don’t let right-wing astroturfers scare Americans into silence

    August 8, 2009

    Opinion ST. LOUIS — While a healthy, public debate around health care reform positively reinforces our proud democratic traditions, heckling, yelling, disrupting and even assaulting those you disagree with doesn't. But that's exactly what's happening here...

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  • Economy on verge of new foreclosure crisis

    Economy on verge of new foreclosure crisis

    August 8, 2009

    Signaling continued economic distress, Deutsche Bank estimated today that over 50 percent of mortgage holders may owe more than their homes are worth. Already 25 percent of mortgages are now “underwater.”  “The percentage of “underwater” loans...

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