Daily Online

  • Janitors make noise downtown in contract fight

    Janitors make noise downtown in contract fight

    April 16, 2009

    CLEVELAND — In a spirited rally, dozens of janitors marched through lobbies of downtown buildings here last week to support union officials in difficult bargaining for a new three-year contract. At the North Point-Jones Day Building,...

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  • Reading the tea leaves

    Reading the tea leaves

    April 16, 2009

    After decades of increased power and sway, the ultra-right wing of the Republican Party is not accustomed to having to serve as the 'loyal opposition.' (In fact, I don't think they fully understand the term —...

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  • Tax Day rallies cry Tax the Rich!

    Tax Day rallies cry Tax the Rich!

    April 16, 2009

    “Tax Day” rallies were staged at post offices across the nation demanding that Congress enact President Obama’s 2010 budget which includes tax reforms that would close loopholes that enable corporations to escape billions in taxes each...

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  • Love your mother

    Love your mother

    April 16, 2009

    Earth Day, April 22, is sandwiched between Tax Day, April 15, and Workers Memorial Day, April 28. Just around the corner is May Day, May 1, the international workers day and a day for flower baskets...

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  • Some good, most just okay, others not so much on American Idol

    Some good, most just okay, others not so much on American Idol

    April 16, 2009

    There’s always that one song that complements a good movie. The seven remaining American Idol contestants brought some of those songs back to life Tuesday night with this week's theme of choosing hit soundtrack tunes straight...

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