Daily Online

  • Uribe seeks to halt growing isolation

    Uribe seeks to halt growing isolation

    August 7, 2009

    Original source: Isolated Colombian President Alvaro Uribe has embarked off on a south American tour to defend his unpopular plans to expand the US military's presence in his country. Mr Uribe's decision to allow the Pentagon...

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  • Display honors San Francisco General Strike anniversary

    Display honors San Francisco General Strike anniversary

    August 7, 2009

    SAN FRANCISCO ― The 75th anniversary of one of the most dramatic episodes in U.S. labor history ― the 1934 San Francisco General Strike ― is being celebrated this summer with a stunning exhibit commissioned by...

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  • Why you cant sit out the health care fight

    Why you cant sit out the health care fight

    August 7, 2009

    COMMENTARY I was part of a recent Alliance for Retired Americans (ARA) conference call on the mobilization to fight for real health care reform. It was a wonderful, well attended event, chaired by Ed Coyle the...

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  • Moms organize for end to nuclear weapons

    Moms organize for end to nuclear weapons

    August 6, 2009

    Mothers deepen conviction that world is moving towards abolition of nuclear weapons The following is a reprint from Akahata, translated and reprinted by Japan Press, . About 17,500 mothers assembled in Kyoto City last month to...

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  • Japan peace movement: Moving toward a world without nuclear weapons

    Japan peace movement: Moving toward a world without nuclear weapons

    August 6, 2009

    Following is an article published on July 23 by the peace issues team of the Japanese Communist Party’s People’s Movement Commission regarding the 2009 World Conference against A and H Bombs, August 3-9 in Hiroshima and...

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