Daily Online

  • HSS nominee says health care overhaul cannot wait

    HSS nominee says health care overhaul cannot wait

    April 4, 2009

    Original source: Katherine Sebelius, nominee to be the next Secretary for Health and Human Services, expressed support for swift congressional action on health care reform during a Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor & Pensions hearing...

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  • The border’s ‘Agent Orange’ controversy

    The border’s ‘Agent Orange’ controversy

    April 4, 2009

    Original source: In the Vietnam War, the United States sprayed vast tracts of land with the chemical defoliant Agent Orange as part of a counter-insurgency strategy aimed at removing forest cover for Viet Cong and North...

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  • Venezuelan president visits Iran

    Venezuelan president visits Iran

    April 4, 2009

    Teheran, Apr 2 (Prensa Latina) Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez started Thursday an official visit to Iran, to foster bilateral links, especially in the oil sector. Chavez's agenda here includes meeting with his Iranian peer Mahmud Ahmadineyad,...

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  • How the G-20 can pay for a global climate deal

    How the G-20 can pay for a global climate deal

    April 3, 2009

    The G-20 summit convening in London on April 2 is preparing to create a quarter trillion dollars of brand new stimulus money to help poor countries battle the global recession. World leaders plan to use a...

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  • Engaging men in gender equality efforts

    Engaging men in gender equality efforts

    April 3, 2009

    RIO DE JANEIRO, Apr 2 (IPS) - How many men work in day care centres, looking after children? How much paternity leave are men entitled to? How many government programmes to combat domestic violence include violent...

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