Daily Online

  • Editorial: Good bank is good business

    Editorial: Good bank is good business

    April 3, 2009

    Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner has to figure out how to revive a financial system that is on life support, dying from self-inflicted wounds. The problem is, the patient isn’t responding to the current treatment, so more...

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  • Factory protesters: We’ll stay till we win

    Factory protesters: We’ll stay till we win

    April 2, 2009

    Original source: Around 140 workers occupying a Belfast factory that has been earmarked for closure vowed on Wednesday to continue their protest until bosses stump up decent redundancy packages. Workers occupied the canteen after the 210...

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  • Obama honors César Chavezs birthday

    Obama honors César Chavezs birthday

    April 2, 2009

    Original source: What a difference a year makes. While the Bush White House tried to thwart workers’ rights and all that the late César Chávez fought for, Barack Obama adopted Chávez’s rallying cry as his campaign...

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  • Chicago rallies for Employee Free Choice

    Chicago rallies for Employee Free Choice

    April 2, 2009

    CHICAGO – Imagine the day when working people’s right to decide to join a union is guaranteed and protected by law. That day will come, many argue, when the Employee Free Choice Act is finally signed...

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  • Senate hearing urges job creation

    Senate hearing urges job creation

    April 2, 2009

    WASHINGTON—Leading economists told the Senate, Mar. 30, that more, not less federal funds are needed to create millions more jobs to pull the nation out of the deepest recession since the Great Depression. They warned that...

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