Daily Online

  • Janet Jagan, an extraordinary woman

    Janet Jagan, an extraordinary woman

    April 1, 2009

    GEORGETOWN, Guyana — Tributes came from all over the world for former President of Guyana Janet Jagan, who died March 30 at the age of 88. She was the wife and partner of Guyana’s famed leader,...

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  • Feds charge Republic violated labor law

    Feds charge Republic violated labor law

    April 1, 2009

    CHICAGO – On Monday the United Electrical Radio and Machine Workers (UE) here announced the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) is charging the owners of Republic Windows and Doors with violating federal labor law. Two hundred...

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  • Student week of action focuses on Employee Free Choice

    Student week of action focuses on Employee Free Choice

    April 1, 2009 By Seth Michaels

    This week, Jobs with Justice’s Student Labor Action Project (SLAP) kicks off a week of action in support of the passage of the Employee Free Choice Act and the freedom to form unions and bargain cooperatively...

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  • Former pilots president nominated to head Federal Aviation Administration

    Former pilots president nominated to head Federal Aviation Administration

    April 1, 2009

    Capt. Randy Babbitt, who spent 25 years in the cockpit beginning with Eastern Airlines and served two terms as president of the Air Line Pilots (ALPA), was nominated last week by President Obama to take over...

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  • EU slams Europe-wide gay discrimination

    EU slams Europe-wide gay discrimination

    April 1, 2009

    Lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transsexuals face widespread harassment, bullying and discrimination across Europe, according to an EU report released on Tuesday. The EU Fundamental Rights Agency said that harassment and discrimination occur 'in all areas of...

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