Daily Online

  • Latino Fest in the Fray of Pop Culture’s Lucha Libre

    Latino Fest in the Fray of Pop Culture’s Lucha Libre

    March 24, 2009

    SAN DIEGO, California, Mar 22 (IPS) - The San Diego Latino Film Festival is perhaps the biggest little film festival most people outside of Southern California have never heard of. Big because the festival showcases the...

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  • Afghans call for end to US occupation

    Afghans call for end to US occupation

    March 24, 2009

    Original source: Hundreds of Afghan citizens rallied for an end to the occupation of their country on Sunday after US-led forces killed five civilians in Kunduz Province. According to Afghan officials, US soldiers broke into the...

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  • A 12-point program to combat the economic crisis

    A 12-point program to combat the economic crisis

    March 24, 2009 By Sam Webb

    Because of the election of Barack Obama, the American people in their great majority have a leg up, but there is still a long way to go. To his credit, the new president is off to...

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  • UK medical charities forced to cut back life-saving research

    UK medical charities forced to cut back life-saving research

    March 24, 2009

    Original source: Reduced values of investments and property legacies hit charities' funding Four of the UK's largest medical charities have been badly hit by the recession and are considering cutting the amount of money they put...

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  • Afghanistan: A road map for progress

    Afghanistan: A road map for progress

    March 23, 2009

    Congressional Progressive Caucus to host series on foreign policy options WASHINGTON—Congressional Progressive Caucus Co-Chairs Rep. Raúl Grijalva and Rep. Lynn Woolsey announced an ongoing series of forums that will engage members of Congress in discussions about...

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