Daily Online

  • AIG: It’s obscene

    AIG: It’s obscene

    March 18, 2009

    Gregory Robinson is dead. Shot in a car. He threw himself on a baby in the back seat while the gun fired from an unknown assailant. He was only 14. His family said he died a...

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  • Nicaragua: Cleaning up the worlds biggest toilet

    Nicaragua: Cleaning up the worlds biggest toilet

    March 18, 2009

    MANAGUA, (IPS) - After dumping its untreated wastewater into lake Managua for more than 80 years, the capital of Nicaragua has started to clean up the huge source of water in this country, where 80 percent...

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  • Brazils president, Sweeney discuss global economy

    Brazils president, Sweeney discuss global economy

    March 17, 2009

    Original source: AFL-CIO President John Sweeney met with Brazil’s President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva this past weekend, prior to Lula’s White House meeting with President Obama. Lula, a metalworker and internationally recognized trade union leader...

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  • Gaza probe demand

    Gaza probe demand

    March 17, 2009

    Original source: Sixteen prominent jurists have called on the United Nations to launch an investigation into alleged war crimes committed by Israeli troops and Palestinian guerillas during Tel Aviv's recent Gaza onslaught. In an open letter...

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  • Nestle India seeks permanent ban on workers freedom of assembly

    Nestle India seeks permanent ban on workers freedom of assembly

    March 17, 2009

    The management of Nestle India filed injunctions simultaneously in four courts in three states seeking a permanent ban on all union meetings, gatherings and rallies within 200 metres of its factories in Moga, Samalkha, Ponda Goa...

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