Daily Online

  • ‘Charade’ shames Texas

    ‘Charade’ shames Texas

    March 17, 2009

    In the middle of the worst crisis of our lifetimes, the Texas Senate has thrown its full energies into solving a problem that doesn’t exist! Even the Dallas daily paper, usually as anti-worker as any mainstream...

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  • Pick the scabs

    Pick the scabs

    March 16, 2009

    Original source: Imagine opening up the paper before going to work in the morning, and seeing your job boldly advertised in a half-page color ad by your employers! To add insult to injury, your job will...

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  • Former Pakistan PM defies house arrest

    Former Pakistan PM defies house arrest

    March 16, 2009

    Original source: Pakistani opposition leader Nawaz Sharif defied house arrest on Sunday to join anti-government protests. Hundreds of police surrounded the Lahore residence of former prime minister Mr Sharif before dawn on Sunday and detained him...

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  • El Salvador holds historic elections

    El Salvador holds historic elections

    March 16, 2009

    El Salvador, Mar 15 (Prensa Latina) Salvadoreans are expected to cast their votes today to elect their president, in elections considered historic as they may bring the Farabundo Marti National Liberation Front (FMLN) candidate to power....

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  • Guam residents are not welcoming U.S. Marines relocation from Okinawa

    Guam residents are not welcoming U.S. Marines relocation from Okinawa

    March 16, 2009

    (Akahata is published by the Communist Party of Japan) Residents of Guam are so reluctant to accept the U.S. Marines to be stationed on the island of U.S. territory in the Pacific, that the Guam governor...

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